AlpVent AG is an investment company that invests in highly promising startups. As an investor we have a good knowledge of the CE region and the operation of innovative companies in it, with a focus on Austria and Slovenia. As the result of many years of entrepreneurial and managerial experience, we know what entrepreneurs in innovative companies need.
With the method of our special investment approach, entrepreneurs acquire an investor who knows the startup environment of the region in which he operates, has the knowledge of acting on foreign markets, and especially the experience with already made investments in similar companies.
Many startup founders are extraordinary in developing products and services, but have fewer experience in sales and marketing implementation activities. For this purpose, AlpVent has developed a unique approach to cooperating with its investments in order to create a positive partnership, where the overall goal of all multiplicative revenue growth and EBITDA, and the establishment of a lean and stable organization in the company. The ultimate goal is to help founders to become their global leader in their niche-focused field within three to five years. All this is to the owners of the promise of a good exit.
We invest in innovative companies in the seed phase, which have an innovative solution, the ability to achieve a high price difference and quick multiplication of sales, a global potential, and an excellent team that stands for the overall structure of the company and gives it firmness. Our mission is to help founders, in three to five years, to become their global leader in their niche field.
Our mission is to help founders and management to become their global leaders in these, even niche areas, within these five years. The value of these companies will be maximally multiplied in this way.
Our vision is not one side to remain/become the most effective and useful partner to the best founders / business leaders and, on the other hand, to achieve the highest long-term profitability in the investment industry. In this way, we remain/are becoming the best partner for our business founders as well as for co-investors.
1. Within a period of five years, help builders as many global companies as possible.
2. To achieve the highest long-term profitability in the investment industry, and thus remain the best partner to our co-investors and founders of companies.
3. With our unique investment approach and active monitoring and management assistance, companies maximally multiply the value of the investment at the time of the active investment.
Investment policy
We are better at choosing startups with the support of other, not only financial performance indicators that are otherwise linked and are also reflected in financial performance indicators. The process enables us to check the results achieved up to the investment and to assess the potential for further development.
How we co-operate after an investment and what is our unique value?
For each company, the acquisition of AlpVent’s investment is an important milestone, both financially and organisationally. However, this also means that a new partner will be introduced to the company, which will be active in it. What does it mean? AlpVent does not take on managerial positions and does not manage the company’s personnel. AlpVent operates in the background as a support, where the founders and management strategically assist in the growth of the company, thereby increasing the satisfaction of both employees and customers that the company has.
Alpvent in ekipa, ki stoji za njim, so celoten razvoj, od zelo kriznega in tveganega obdobja razvoja TAIA-e, do faze rasti, stali za nami in nas večplastno podpirali. Pokazali so se za strateškega investitorja, ki si ga vsak podjetnik želi.
FlySentinel je edinstvena, zelo napredna najsodobnejša rešitev za spremljanje vitalnih funkcij pilota, merjenje človeških in okoljskih parametrov, obveščanje in preprečevanje morebitnih tveganj.
Mali junaki
Lahko bi rekel, da nam je AlpVent omogočil zagon v ključnem trenutku. Investicija nam je dala predvsem potrdilo, da je naš produkt pravi, ter občutek varnosti, ki nas je opogumil, da smo si upali agresivno vstopiti na nove trge. Zelo cenimo, da nam kot poslovni partner zaupajo pri uresničevanju naše strategije, ter nam popolnoma prepuščajo vodenje podjetja.
V Quadrofoilu ustvarjamo tehnologijo, ki poganja prihodnost navtične industrije in energetsko učinkovite sisteme vodnega prometa. Investicija AlpVent-a je močan signal, da smo inovativni vodja na našem področju in da smo prav naredili stvari v preteklosti. Videti prihodnost v enaki obliki, in v koristih za planet in ljudi na eni strani ter povezovanje idej, inovacij in konceptov s poznavanjem trga in dostopom do kapitala nas je pripeljalo do nove platforme sodelovanja, ki nam bo dala precej potrebnega povečanja sveže energije, da bi izpolnili naše pretekle obljube in se osredotočili na razvoj novih okolju prijaznih rešitev za vodni promet.